

Monday, December 10, 2012


Super Simple Screen Sharing from Screenleap
Screenleap is a free web site that enables you to share what’s happening on your computer screen with anyone with a web browser, instantly. Viewers can see your screen from any device, including tablets and smartphones. There are no downloads, installs, fees, or sign ups required.

Just visit the Screenleap home page to start a session, then share the link or PIN code with your students or colleagues, and viewers can begin seeing your computer screen instantly.

Screenleap is most useful for ad-hoc collaboration, but people use Screenleap for other purposes: remote computer support, virtual meetings, remote training, sharing photos, team projects, and as a free alternative to Webex and GoToMeeting.

We have a student with Dyslexia that has difficulty copying information from the Promethean board. ScreenLeap helps him see the same information as his peers, but on the iPad in a way that he can process. I cannot wait to see other ways that this site can be utilized in the classroom!